About 85 Results

Join the Movement launches a collection of stories, resources, toolkits and webinars that center Indigenous scholars, theologians, communities and activists to guide us as we all take up our roles in the ongoing work of decolonizing not only our minds, bodies and spirits, but also our work for racial justice.

Almost every ballot measure and candidate policy platform have implications for racial justice because racial disparities are woven into every part of our political system and common life. No matter what your political views are, in the 2024 election we all will be making choices that either maintain the status quo of racism or create greater equity and justice. In…

…reproductive care they have discerned, journeying with them toward freedom. Jesus would have us sit in grief with those who have lost community and family members to violence at the hands of the system that is supposed to protect and serve them, mourning with them toward healing. Enriched, equipped and yet still waiting, we are called to be partners in…

…with healing and mercy. Root us in your word that births a “hope not made of wishes but of substance, hope made of sinew and muscle and bone,” so that we might move in the pathways of restoration not punishment, of transformation not retribution. In advent hope we pray. Amen.   Artwork: “Hope” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…that grows? What if abolishing the prison industrial complex is the fruit of our diligent gardening, the building and deepening of a movement to respond to the violence of the state and the violence in our communities with sustainable, transformative love?” – Alexis Pauline Gumbs   Into the cages, behind the bars, under the barbed wire, freedom sings like a…

…of Creation and all that the Woman-born One comes to abolish. Prayer For co-creating hope, here am I. For a more just world, here am I. For envisioning freedom, here am I. For birthing Love and Transformation, here am I. Let it be with me according to your word. Amen.   Artwork: “Consent” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

their homeland in search of safer life. Make their dreams of security for their families our dreams too. As we prepare the way for Love, move us to use our voice, hands, and resources to help bring relief, until all are raised from ash heap to honor. Amen.   Artwork: “We Move” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)  …

This dynamic equivalence translation of the Christian Scriptures imagines how these sacred texts might speak if they were being told in the tradition of Indigenous story-tellers using the practices of oral cultures

…to have been visited by the angel who said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” That good news is for the oppressed and brokenhearted, the captives and prisoners, and for those who have been physically and psychologically injured, including by systems of discrimination like apartheid. As…

…are sometimes cost-prohibitive. Adoption, fertility treatments, and other methods are financially challenging for many and lack of access is a justice issue. Elizabeth was old. Conceiving as an older woman has its fair share of complications and stigma. Ageism in our societies interferes with the flourishing of women who conceive and parent at an older age. Our commitment to reproductive…