About Join The Movement

Join the Movement toward Racial Justice is an invitation to demonstrate God’s love and to partner with others who are working for the transformation of racism in our world so that we might foster flourishing lives for all.

As evidenced in the wake of the May 25, 2020 murder of George Floyd, and numerous attacks on our siblings of color across the nation, the movement for racial justice cannot be separated from faith commitments to do justice and love our neighbors. As divides deepen across our country and world, we are being called to grow our capacity for interdependence and nurture connections that value difference and promote equity.

Every setting of the UCC, from local churches to global partners, has a role to play in expanding our practices of antiracism and strengthening our capacities as partners and participants in the burgeoning racial justice movements of our time. In this effort, story-sharing is a key component. Our stories show us not only who we are, but also inspire who we may become. Providing opportunities to encounter the antiracism journeys of others, Join the Movement will be a hub of story-sharing that draws others to participate and opens hearts to new possibilities and practices of racial justice.

The Christian church began as a movement towards a just world through the teachings of Jesus. As followers of Jesus, we believe it is our mandate to work for and seek justice, love, and compassion, as we join with and become our own Spirit-led movements toward racial justice.

Becoming An Antiracist Church. Building An Antiracist World.

Rev. Amanda Hendler-Voss, Senior Minister, First Congregational UCC, Washington DC shares her insights about the role of storytelling in movement building and how the Join the Movement toward Racial Justice initiative connects us to each other and deepens our practices of antiracism.

“’Racist’ and ‘antiracist’ are like peelable name tags that are placed and replaced based on what someone is doing or not doing, supporting, or expressing in each moment. These are not permanent tattoos. No one becomes a racist or antiracist. We can only strive to be one or the other. We can unknowingly strive to be a racist. We can knowingly strive to be an antiracist… being an antiracist requires persistent self-awareness, constant self-criticism, and regular self-examination.”

– Ibram X. Kendi, How to Be An Antiracist

Share Stories. Build Movements.

We know you are doing creative, innovative, and heartfelt antiracist work in your communities. And we want to hear about it! Share stories about your work for racial justice to inspire and equip others in their advocacy and activism. By contributing your voice and listening to others, you help build the movement toward racial justice, across cultural expressions and lived experiences. Submit your story today.

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