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This Lent, partner with Join the Movement toward Racial Justice and commit to engaging in courageous conversations with yourself, with a few dear ones, or with your community.ย  On each of the 40 days of Lent, we will offer a conversation/journaling prompt to help you explore more fully your connection to racial justice and practices of antiracism, along with a breath prayer and scripture reading.

and bestows benefits, unearned rights, rewards, opportunities, advantages, access, and privilege on Europeans and European descendants.” Through the Join the Movement toward Racial Justice initiative we are making explicit and concrete our antiracist commitments so that the UCC might live more fully into the historic efforts we’ve made to becoming and antiracist denomination. We are building on the revolutionary work…

Pray in solidarity with the movement to STOP the construction of a militarized police training facility funded by corporations on 381 acres of Weelaunee Forest leased by the City of Atlanta to the Atlanta Police Foundation. Stop Cop City.

…Juneteenth and Freedom!   Historical Resources Africa’s Great Civilizations | Interview with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. | PBS   “On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all across the country awaiting news that the Emancipation Proclamation…

…might we follow Jesus’ example and offer our communities real and concrete visions of a new world? Where do you witness glimpses of this freedom becoming real in our midst and how can you share those with others? How can we grow our imaginations beyond our doubts, weariness and cynicism? Perhaps then we, like John and his disciples, will throw…

  The passage we read from scripture for today comes from the very end of the letter to the Thessalonians. It is part of the author’s last words of encouragement and teaching to this young community of Jesus followers. As the letter writer winds up their thoughts, they vacillate between encouraging the community to stay vigilant in their expectant waiting…

…inequities, resulting in high poverty levels, dangerous health conditions, pollution, and community divestment. As we seek to travel in your footsteps, empower us to resist and interrupt racism’s persistent and unrelenting violence and become the relief that is needed to move us always closer to freedom and new life. In solidarity with the Mvskoke people, Black freedom fighters, working class…

…are inviting all of us to deepen our capacities and commitments to healing, wholeness and care through our 2024 All Church Read. We will journey with Chanequa Walker-Barnes and Cole Arthur Riley and their books Sacred Self Care and Black Liturgies to discover ways of tending ourselves while we are tending the world. Buy Sacred Self Care: Daily Practices for