About 85 Results

…of our world calls us to commit our energy and imagination to discovering new ways to welcome, embrace, support, and create belonging and flourishing with those who have been displaced. What if we were waiting – wisely and patiently – for our migrant and refugee kin, like the farmer awaits the precious crop in this scripture passage? What if we…

…warmth of its sun. Prayer Holy One, Giver of Light, awaken us from our slumber, assuage our fears of change, fill us with compassion, cover us with grace, and embolden us with your Spirit as we clumsily leave places where we see justice dimly, moving toward the dawning light. Amen.   Artwork: “Dismantle” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

  In this passage from Isaiah, we read, hear, or feel the text tell us that hope is still for God’s people even though God’s people are hurting one another. Exile does come, but so does the promise of restoration which we will learn requires partnership and just action with God. Our text for today, when liberated for all bodies,…

…your coming like the desert dreams of water and you put among us prophets who speak into life abolitionist visions of blossoming abundance. As we long for your justice to come and dwell among us, keep us working to bring your promise to life, for we will see glory. Amen.   Artwork: “Regeneracao” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…glimpse some glimmer of hope – that whatever is at the end of the path is better than where we currently stand. Imagining those ancient navigators following a star, holding compassion for all who today navigate dangerous paths for the hope of safety, freedom, and a new life. Maybe this is the way we approach a new day, envisioning a…

…songs like Mary, songs that imagine a world turned upside down by revolutionary Love-become-flesh. As we wait expectantly for the coming of your realm (that will surely come), empower us to become midwives, co-conspirators with you, ushering in a new day of freedom, where your love and justice prevail. Amen.   Artwork: “Midwife” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…way to freedom. So, Mary bore Jesus into a complicated context in which he shared his wholeness with others who longed for a world of justice and compassion. In our day, child-bearing is no less complicated, but we have abolitionist dreams to inspire us, too. If abolition is about nurturing freedom, then abolitionist parenthood must be about the freedom to…

  All things in this world come to an end. That truth used to consume me with an overwhelming sense of dread and a frantic desire to rewind the clock in a futile attempt to put off the inevitable. But in recent days, especially in this season, I find an odd sense of comfort and peace in knowing that nothing…

…of enfleshed love and expansive liberation come true.   Prayer To those made invisible, let this prayer come as recognition. To those deemed disposable, let this prayer come as cherishing. To those told they are too much, let this prayer come as abundant affirmation. To those left behind, let this prayer come as accompaniment. To those whose deaths are called…