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A must-read for movement-makers, this book traces the lineages of Indigenous resistance from the beginning of the colonization of North America to efforts to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock reservation.ย 

for the video is available below. Receive the blessings of Love-Made-Flesh in and with your body this Christmas.   Access a transcript of the video here. Coke Tani is a liberatory spiritual director, body memoirist and teaching artist. She holds an MSW, MFA and MDiv, and can be found on Instagram: @CokeTani, Facebook: @Coke.Tani and at CokeTani.com.   You can…

  “Growing up disabled, growing up queer, the stakes were stark. It was either kindle tenacious love for myself or swallow the world’s projections whole. And, so, I chose. I taught myself to trace the lines on the palms of my own hands, a contour of the sacred. I found and felt and claimed the holiness of my own bones….

…within the movement place the struggle within the context of dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery and the ongoing work of reparatory justice. Speakers include Katerina Gea from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, Angie Comeaux from Hummingbird Springs Farm, and Sarah Augustine who authored “The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.”  …