About 85 Results

…Sometimes I want God to come to Earth to back me up, like Isaiah writes in the beginning of this passage: why don’t you tear open the heavens and get down here already! I don’t need the mountains to quake or nations to tremble, I just need God to tell everyone to change their oppressive policies and practices so life…

Join our partner, Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) and get trained to serve as a poll chaplain for the 2024 election. Along with FUSD, we believe that everyone is created in the image of God and deserves to vote in free, fair, and safe elections. With violence threatened at the polls in many states during the 2024 Elections, multifaith,…

…your body. The transcript for the video is available below.   Access a transcript of the video here. Coke Tani is a liberatory spiritual director, body memoirist and teaching artist. She holds an MSW, MFA and MDiv, and can be found on Instagram: @CokeTani, Facebook: @Coke.Tani and at CokeTani.com.   You can also meditate with the podcast version of our…

  The poet who created Psalm 80 was immersed in a community that was in deep distress. So distant they felt from God’s steadfast love and tender care that they were singing the story of their liberation and flourishing back to God, in the hopes that God might remember, turn back toward them with regard, and restore their freedom and

…devastating odds, God is coming. Held by Black Farmer and family hands healing fertile soil, reclaiming grain and sun and moon and the earth with vision, plan, and action. Reparations, God is coming. Held in the relentless hearts of essential farmworkers growing our food while dusty, barb–wired walls cross land and families. Walls will crumble, God is coming. Rivers running…

…can be restored to live free and whole. Shackles and cages neither heal the harmed or those who cause harm. As faithful people, we know that love and mercy can. We must create a justice system that centers restoration for all, not retribution. Until then, we are all prisoners. Prayer Inhale: Waiting, I hear Freedom calling. Exhale: There are no…

In this response, Rev. Dr. Velda Love imagines what Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old Black man killed after what started as a traffic stop, might say to us in this moment.

and among us. Disarmed by prophetic visions of swords turned into plowshares, empower us to turn poisonous clouds and destructive fire into pillars of love and justice, so that through our work of abolition, they may lead us, like your people of old, out of slavery and into freedom. Amen.   Artwork: “Disarm” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…placed keeps my chest restricted, I’ve never had a moment where my breath was so deep and satisfying. How loud can I celebrate with this newfound depth of breath? I’ve waited anxiously, even before I knew how to ask for what I needed. It came in little pieces until my body was truly mine – The fears and microaggressions, the

…on yet another night shift. This same “do not be afraid” interrupts still today. Do not be afraid! For a powerful and loving God of abundance outweighs all our fears and brings freedom for all bodies.   Prayer Holy, living God, Love-Made-Flesh, you chose to come to us in the form of a baby, swaddled in human hands, powerless and