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force of white supremacy’s resistance to the dream of freedom. He refuses to use his privilege as a nationally known figure to protect him from the risks and demands of solidarity. What if this commitment to collective liberation was the legacy we chose to live into this MLK Day? What if we understood this courageous embrace of the risks and…

…Emanuel, God-with-us, we long for your presence. This Advent, while we are waiting and preparing, show us how you draw near even now in glimpses of a new day dawning, in dreams of freedom emerging. Through our practices of hope, keep us awake and moving toward justice. Amen.   Artwork: “In This Body” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…who are alone, let this prayer come as comfort. To the ashamed, the traumatized, let this prayer sing with gladness. To the ones who feel disposable, let this prayer be a garland of honor and dignity. To the ones who are waiting, let this prayer become our abolition practice. Amen.   Artwork: “Plunge” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

Pray in solidarity with the movement to STOP the construction of a militarized police training facility funded by corporations on 381 acres of Weelaunee Forest leased by the City of Atlanta to the Atlanta Police Foundation. Stop Cop City.

…to dwell among us in flesh and bone, body and blood, we long to know you and your will fully and deeply. Keep us attentive to your dreams of restoration and redemption, your freedom songs, always unfolding in our midst. Come to us, abide with us, our beloved, Emmanuel. Amen.   Artwork: “Abolish” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…God’s light shining through us. From a theological standpoint, we can hold together the present and future of liberation in which communal/community/communion and celebration in the present serve as precursors to a future when the mending of all that has been disrupted is complete, because everyone is essential, present and welcomed at the table, just as they are and are…

…your kindom on earth, reveal to us the emergence of your Love in flesh and bones, as close to us as the communities of flourishing and freedom we are building. Until this kindom comes, we pray. Amen.   Artwork: “My Body. My Choice” Part of a Triptych by artist Kill Joy. Used with permission CC BY-NC-ND Find more at Justseeds…

  “Abolition involves dismantling institutions that reproduce and mask harm, but it also demands the more radical work to imagine and to build up practices, vocabularies, and communities that facilitate [freedom]. The work to build up community responses to end…violence; the mobilizations to challenge the indefinite caging of our communities; our collective and daily labor inside and outside of prisons…