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In this powerfully told counternarrative to a typical history of the United States, acclaimed historian and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz offers a different story of this country told from the perspective of Indigenous peoples.

…day where no border or jail can separate us from the love we share with one another and the welcome we are called to embody. Strengthen our hearts: empower us to be bold and courageous as we work together towards decarceration, abolition and freedom for all. Amen.   Artwork: “To All Our Relations” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

  What I am sitting with in my spirit and feeling in my bones this Advent is somewhere, everywhere, oppressed, enslaved, traumatized people are practicing freedom. Somewhere, everywhere, throughout all of time, amidst lives stolen and worlds crumbling, people and communities reflect “our intentional relationship to divine change in apocalyptic circumstances” (from Foreword by Alexis Pauline Gumbs in Practicing New…

On the third anniversary of George Floyd’s murder by police, Join the Movement invites us to take the time to remember the tragic and unjust losses of our precious kin and to notice how we continue to be called to join the movement of the Spirit toward racial justice.

In this response, Rev. Dr. Velda Love imagines what Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old Black man killed after what started as a traffic stop, might say to us in this moment.

…of strength to those who stumble, this God who journeys with Hannah raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, in this and every generation of women who move toward freedom. Prayer Gracious loving God of our mothers, fathers, parents in Advent hope, open us to witness and acknowledge those who are fleeing their…

…can be restored to live free and whole. Shackles and cages neither heal the harmed or those who cause harm. As faithful people, we know that love and mercy can. We must create a justice system that centers restoration for all, not retribution. Until then, we are all prisoners. Prayer Inhale: Waiting, I hear Freedom calling. Exhale: There are no…

  The poet who created Psalm 80 was immersed in a community that was in deep distress. So distant they felt from God’s steadfast love and tender care that they were singing the story of their liberation and flourishing back to God, in the hopes that God might remember, turn back toward them with regard, and restore their freedom and…

  All things in this world come to an end. That truth used to consume me with an overwhelming sense of dread and a frantic desire to rewind the clock in a futile attempt to put off the inevitable. But in recent days, especially in this season, I find an odd sense of comfort and peace in knowing that nothing…

…on yet another night shift. This same “do not be afraid” interrupts still today. Do not be afraid! For a powerful and loving God of abundance outweighs all our fears and brings freedom for all bodies.   Prayer Holy, living God, Love-Made-Flesh, you chose to come to us in the form of a baby, swaddled in human hands, powerless and…