About 85 Results

…are inviting all of us to deepen our capacities and commitments to healing, wholeness and care through our 2024 All Church Read. We will journey with Chanequa Walker-Barnes and Cole Arthur Riley and their books Sacred Self Care and Black Liturgies to discover ways of tending ourselves while we are tending the world. Buy Sacred Self Care: Daily Practices for

Almost every ballot measure and candidate policy platform have implications for racial justice because racial disparities are woven into every part of our political system and common life. No matter what your political views are, in the 2024 election we all will be making choices that either maintain the status quo of racism or create greater equity and justice. In…

  “Growing up disabled, growing up queer, the stakes were stark. It was either kindle tenacious love for myself or swallow the world’s projections whole. And, so, I chose. I taught myself to trace the lines on the palms of my own hands, a contour of the sacred. I found and felt and claimed the holiness of my own bones….

Join host, Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith and a number of guests for important conversations about the lasting impacts of our choices in the 2024 Election. These Critical Conversations aim to educate viewers and equip them with tools to help them, pre-election, so that they can consider strategies and plans to make informed decisions to ensure freedom and democracy will

within the movement place the struggle within the context of dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery and the ongoing work of reparatory justice. Speakers include Katerina Gea from the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, Angie Comeaux from Hummingbird Springs Farm, and Sarah Augustine who authored “The Land Is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.”  …