Local Church Campaign

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Every setting of the UCC, from local churches to global partners, has a role to play in expanding our practices of antiracism and strengthening our capacities as partners and participants in the growing racial justice movements of our time.

It’s time for your church to Join the Movement

A year ago we launched the Capital Campaign for Join the Movement toward Racial justice.  Now we are specifically inviting local churches to invest in this ministry.  Joining the Movement is an invitation to demonstrate God’s love and to partner with others who are working for the transformation of racism in our world so that we might foster flourishing lives for all.  We believe every congregation of the United Church of Christ will want to be a part of this work and invest in our ongoing efforts end racism.

We hope you’ll make use of these resources to empower your church to be a part of this movement so that we might join together in our efforts to become an antiracist church, building an antiracist world.

Join the Movement and make antiracism your spiritual practice!




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