Abolition Advent Calendar

Learning, Dreaming, Practicing Until We Get Free

For many of us, the word “abolition” might have mostly historical connotations. We think of Abolition as the movement to free enslaved Africans, brought into life with the Emancipation Proclamation. But, if we take seriously Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney’s insight that,”we are still trying to do Church in the midst of enslaving paradigms,” then we also have the opportunity to explore what abolition can mean to us here and now. In the season of Advent, where we await and prepare for the coming of transformational Love in flesh and bone, how can we connect to contemporary abolition movements, from those who are working to dismantle the prison industrial complex, to those who are fighting for reproductive justice, to those who are leaning into new ways to address harm and engage conflict, and beyond. How might we awaken to the vision of abolition as the incarnation of God’s love and justice in our midst, inviting us to embody its wisdom in all parts of our lives?

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In addition to engaging these reflections as a personal practice, you could also use them as a group.  Click here to download our Abolition Advent Calendar Discussion Guide for curriculum and ideas about how you might structure an adult education/faith formation discussion group using the Abolition Advent Calendar. 


Learn more about our artist, Yohana Junker and the Breathing Praying Meditations that ground each Abolition Advent Calendar reflection.

“Abolition is about presence, not absence. It's about building life-affirming institutions…what the world will become already exists in fragments and pieces, experiments and possibilities… Abolition is building the future from the present in all the ways that we can.”

- Ruth Wilson Gilmore

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