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…songs like Mary, songs that imagine a world turned upside down by revolutionary Love-become-flesh. As we wait expectantly for the coming of your realm (that will surely come), empower us to become midwives, co-conspirators with you, ushering in a new day of freedom, where your love and justice prevail. Amen.   Artwork: “Midwife” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

  “Abolition involves dismantling institutions that reproduce and mask harm, but it also demands the more radical work to imagine and to build up practices, vocabularies, and communities that facilitate [freedom]. The work to build up community responses to end…violence; the mobilizations to challenge the indefinite caging of our communities; our collective and daily labor inside and outside of prisons…

…God’s light shining through us. From a theological standpoint, we can hold together the present and future of liberation in which communal/community/communion and celebration in the present serve as precursors to a future when the mending of all that has been disrupted is complete, because everyone is essential, present and welcomed at the table, just as they are and are…

  The passage we read from scripture for today comes from the very end of the letter to the Thessalonians. It is part of the author’s last words of encouragement and teaching to this young community of Jesus followers. As the letter writer winds up their thoughts, they vacillate between encouraging the community to stay vigilant in their expectant waiting…

…devastating odds, God is coming. Held by Black Farmer and family hands healing fertile soil, reclaiming grain and sun and moon and the earth with vision, plan, and action. Reparations, God is coming. Held in the relentless hearts of essential farmworkers growing our food while dusty, barb–wired walls cross land and families. Walls will crumble, God is coming. Rivers running…

…of God begins as a dream of repair and restoration, then we pray for this dream. If Love-made-flesh and dwelling among us begins as our waiting and preparing, our longing and hoping then we pray, O Come Emmanuel. Amen. with homage to Martín Espada’s poem, “Imagine the Angels of Bread.”   Artwork: “Repair” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

…into the way of peace? Prayer God of tender mercy, we are waiting. Come. New-day Maker, Dawn-Breaker, we are preparing. Come. With-Us-in-the-Darkness, Abiding One, we are longing. Come. Bringer of Peace, Maker of Ways-Out-of-No-Way, we are hoping. Come. Come, and be born in our hearts and our actions. Amen.   Artwork: “Raise Up” by Yohana Junker (discover more at: https://www.yohanajunker.com/)…

  All things in this world come to an end. That truth used to consume me with an overwhelming sense of dread and a frantic desire to rewind the clock in a futile attempt to put off the inevitable. But in recent days, especially in this season, I find an odd sense of comfort and peace in knowing that nothing…

On the third anniversary of George Floyd’s murder by police, Join the Movement invites us to take the time to remember the tragic and unjust losses of our precious kin and to notice how we continue to be called to join the movement of the Spirit toward racial justice.

…production, testing, and waste causes disproportionate harm to women, children, and people of color. As such, we must completely reject the legitimacy of nuclear weapons because the only guarantee these weapons will not be used again is through their complete elimination. We are called to walk in the light of God by turning our weapons of destruction into tools of…