Getting to the Root: Moving Beyond Performative Antiracism

If, as Angela Davis reminds us, “radical simply means grasping things at the root,” making our racial justice work radical involves more than the outward actions we take. It also requires introspection and internal transformation, both individually and institutionally.

This video highlights Admiral Congregational United Church of Christ’s year-long, multi-faceted study series of Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice, launched in 2021 during the pandemic. It includes testimony from the lead organizers at the church, as well as clips from sessions and from teach-ins with the author Paul Kivel.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Do you find that cultivating capacity for vulnerability is an important part of your work for racial justice? How does your cultural background impact the role of vulnerability in your practices of antiracism?
  2. How do you draw on both your systemic understanding of racism and your understanding of your own internalized biases and prejudices in your movement work?
  3. What roots do you notice in yourself, your community, your organization that could use some uprooting/transformation?


Creator God, the roots of racism and white supremacy have reached deeply into our hearts and souls, and into the heart and soul of our world. Through our daily practices and commitments, loosen their grip on our capacity to love each other as you love us. Remind us with each heart-expanding breath no one is free until we are all free. With the power of your transforming love, we pray. Amen.


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