December 2

By: Nichola Torbett, Associate Director, Kirkridge Retreat & Study Center

Now when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:25-36


Stand up. Raise up your heads. Your redemption is drawing near. Really?

At this tattered front edge of Advent 2024, it may be hard to sense the proximity of redemption. It feels more like the rudder of the boat has come off and we are lost at sea.

But part of the problem may be that we don’t understand what redemption is. I certainly tend to imagine redemption—a new heaven and a new earth—coming at the end of a steady process of healing, fixing, and polishing.

But we are about to celebrate a baby being born right into the mess of things. God didn’t wait until everyone got healed of all their trauma and miraculously kicked all their less-than-perfect coping strategies. God arrived and loved and ministered, in Jesus, right in the midst of our hurt.

So while we are indeed in a fix right now, we are in it together, and the more we practice working together—even as imperfect and messy and traumatized as we are—the closer we get to redemption. Could it be that our current circumstances are actually drawing us nearer to redemption by inviting us into deeper community just as we are?


Emmanuel, God-with-us-in-the-mess,
so many injustices bend us over and make our knees buckle. 
Open our hearts to recognize these forces.
May our yearning and working for their transformation
show us your redemption drawing near.
Just as we are, we pray. Amen.  

Freedom Song

Music: “If and When” by Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan
Performer: Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan


“We are called to love each other as God loves us, and God doesn’t wait for us to clean everything up before God will show God’s love. God is with us in the mess….” - Minister Blyth Barnow

Take Action

Preparing the way just as we are

Get to know more about how Overdose Prevention Centers are helping people stand up and raise their heads, bringing forth a loving and just space of community with and for folks just as they are.

Witness redemption drawing near as you watch the documentary “Saving Lives: Inside America’s First Overdose Prevention Center – OnPoint NYC” by Invisible People

Watch the Documentary

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