Movement Wisdom to Meet this Moment from Hilary Moore and Rev. Anne Dunlap
Find out more and register here!Deepen your connection to others seeking wisdom for this moment with Hilary Moore and Rev. Anne Dunlap, as they share a conversation about the lessons they’ve learned as long-time white anti-racist organizers in movement work experimenting with liberatory practices that keep more and more people safe. Offered by Join the Movement partner the Liberating Lineages Collective, this conversation invites us to remember that we have movement ancestors and contemporary co-conspirators who can help us move beyond distractions toward the future we envision of flourishing for all.
How can white Christians fight back against the Right, dismantle white supremacy in ourselves and our communities, and build towards a more liberative and thriving future for all? We don’t know and can’t know everything about how to meet this moment, but there are lessons and practices that we can call on to ground us.
Hilary Moore is a community safety practitioner, organizer, and political educator that has written on the topics of anti-racism and social movements for more than fifteen years. Her work focuses on the far right, climate change, state structures, and systems of oppression, as well as liberal and left forms of resistance. She teaches with generative somatics and is a Community Coach with Land Justice Futures. Find out more about Hilary here.
Rev. Anne Dunlap, is a pastor, organizer, teacher, ritualist, and herbalist. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC) — as Community Minister for Racial Justice and Solidarity, from 2015-2023 Anne was the Faith Organizer for Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) and coordinated the podcast, “The Word Is Resistance.” She’s a Consultant Partner with Jewish Bridge Project, and co-founder of the Liberating Lineages Collective, focused on congregational community safety practices as well as organizing white Christians for racial and economic justice. Find out more about Anne here.