December 25

By: Dr. Sharon R. Fennema, Join the Movement Toward Racial Justice Curator, UCC National

The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him...And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory...full of grace and truth. John 1:1-14


today there is no more distance
between light and darkness
promised and yet to come
Word and flesh

today the wall crumbles
between us and them
worthy and unworthy
beloved and scorned

to the unnoticed Lights of the World
prodigal brilliance meant for everyone
this day says

to the overlooked World-birthers
interwoven into the depths of the earth
this day says

to the disregarded Words-made-flesh
refused by those who think they know
this day says

to the unrecognized Emmanuel’s
dwelling among us
this day says

today tender skin meets years of tired bones
today sacred life emerges precarious in occupied land
today harm grows into healing
today freedom rings as voices rise
today this day becomes everyday
full of grace and truth


Inhale: God dwells among us in flesh and bone.
Exhale: Freedom’s dignity is our story.

Freedom Song

Music: “Break Them All Down”
Offered by: Lynice Pinkard & Erica Powell Wrencher


“Faith communities are uniquely poised to lend their voice and influence to harm reduction work, in order to reshape moral narratives about substance use and people that use substances into ones that rehumanize people who use drugs, and which affirm our worth and dignity.” – Erica Poellot

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