December 24

By: Rev. Roberto Ochoa, Conference Minister for Iowa Nebraska South Dakota UCC Conferences

But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people…” Luke 2:1-14


During the longest nights and bleakest hours of our lives, Illuminating Hope is possible even as we struggle toward a process of change to improve our health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach our full potential.  Good news – that Radiant Hope – is always emerging in the darkness, appearing and reappearing to let us know that we are never alone. God is always with us and God’s messengers are always nearby, breaking through the silences of stigma and shame, promising hope and help, good news and great joy, for all of us – no exceptions.

No matter our setting – in rural, small town, or urban spaces – let us not be afraid to offer the Brillian Hope of affirming our siblings who use drugs as holy, whole, and enough, responding to actual needs, supporting agency, and working for systemic justice that will alleviate suffering and provide access to means of pursuing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness for those to whom it has been denied. We, too, are called to be messengers of Shimmering Hope in our world.  This Christmas Eve, “Do not be afraid” for we are brought and are bringers of “good news of great joy for all the people.”


Holy Presence in the longest nights,
we hold fast to your promise to dwell with us,
as much in the darkness as in the light. 
Keep unfolding your radiant good news among us,
so that we can move beyond fear, shame, and stigma
and lean into our callings to be messengers of fearless joy. 
On this and every silent night,
as we look toward the dawn of redeeming grace, we pray.  Amen. 

Freedom Song

Music: “Alleluia” by Jerry Sinclair
Offered by: Lynice Pinkard and Erica Powell Wrencher


“Our faith compels us to hope for what we haven’t yet seen. And so we practice moral imagination. We resist submitting our dreams to the status quo. We follow the creative ways of the Spirit and seek a world of more justice, compassion, and connection. Our faith compels pursue the abolition of all systems that harm.” – Faith in Harm Reduction Coalition

Take Action

Prepare the way with prayer and worship

Spend some time with the Harm Reduction Justice Sunday worship materials and reflections prepared by the Faith in Harm Reduction Coalition and the UCC.

  • Pray, sing, and reflect with them on your own.
  • Use them in your communities.  Any worship service or time of prayer can be Harm Reduction Sunday as we work to build liberation with people impacted by the war on people who use drugs by becoming congregations and communities of care and compassion!
Download the Worship Toolkit

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